When it comes to quality work performed safely and correctly, the Lorain City School District was willing to fight for what it wanted.

project finish $4 million under budget.
The school district successfully won a court case, which allowed them to include within the construction specs language to use Electricians Work contractor and other skilled members of other trades to build the new Lorain High School.
This paid off as the project finished on time and came in six percent under budget, saving in excess of $4 million.
Highly trained and highly skilled electrical workers – electricians and installers, who earn good wages and great health and retirement benefits – put in more than 30,000 hours help build the facility that is one and half times larger than the old Lorain Admiral King High School.
By trusting the region’s top electrical workers to build their new school, the Lorain City School District understood the importance of using highly trained and highly skilled electricians and installer techs to perform high quality work. Not only did they work within a tight timeline, but they helped the project come in $4 million under budget and by performing quality work, saved the district on maintenance costs as well.
If you are an experienced electrical worker and want to advance your career, then fill out the form on this page. An Electricians Work representative will contact you to discuss how you can earn more money, better health and retirement benefits, plus work on high-profile projects such as Lorain High School.